Physical Review E – October 2000
Volume 62, Issue 4


General methods of statistical physics

Reductive use of renormalization group
K. Nozaki, Y. Oono, and Y. Shiwa
pp. R4501-R4504 [View PDF (48 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Catastrophe of riddling
Ying-Cheng Lai
pp. R4505-R4508 [View PDF (166 kB)]
One-side riddled basin below and beyond the blowout bifurcation
H. L. Yang
pp. R4509-R4512 [View PDF (290 kB)]
Classical invariants and the quantum-classical link
Diego A. Wisniacki and Eduardo Vergini
pp. R4513-R4515 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Gaussian unitary ensemble statistics in a time-reversal invariant microwave triangular billiard
C. Dembowski, H.-D. Gräf, A. Heine, H. Rehfeld, A. Richter, and C. Schmit
pp. R4516-R4519 [View PDF (117 kB)]

Classical fluids

Effect of a vertical magnetic field on turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
S. Cioni, S. Chaumat, and J. Sommeria
pp. R4520-R4523 [View PDF (129 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Ferroelectric phases in a chiral bent-core smectic liquid crystal: Dielectric and optical second-harmonic generation measurements
E. Gorecka, D. Pociecha, F. Araoka, D. R. Link, M. Nakata, J. Thisayukta, Y. Takanishi, K. Ishikawa, J. Watanabe, and H. Takezoe
pp. R4524-R4527 [View PDF (253 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

From waves to avalanches: Two different mechanisms of sandpile dynamics
Mario De Menech and Attilio L. Stella
pp. R4528-R4531 [View PDF (64 kB)]

Plasma physics

Demonstration of ultrashort laser pulse amplification in plasmas by a counterpropagating pumping beam
Y. Ping, I. Geltner, N. J. Fisch, G. Shvets, and S. Suckewer
pp. R4532-R4535 [View PDF (49 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Transmission regimes of periodic nonlinear optical structures
Dmitry E. Pelinovsky, Lukasz Brzozowski, and Edward H. Sargent
pp. R4536-R4539 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Midinfrared scattering and absorption in Ge powder close to the Anderson localization transition
J. Gómez Rivas, R. Sprik, A. Lagendijk, L. D. Noordam, and C. W. Rella
pp. R4540-R4543 [View PDF (98 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Exact zeros of the partition function for a continuum system with double Gaussian peaks
Julian Lee and Koo-Chul Lee
pp. 4558-4563 [View PDF (86 kB)]
Absorbing-state phase transitions in fixed-energy sandpiles
Alessandro Vespignani, Ronald Dickman, Miguel A. Muñoz, and Stefano Zapperi
pp. 4564-4582 [View PDF (334 kB)]
Gravitational phase transitions in a one-dimensional spherical system
V. Paige Youngkins and Bruce N. Miller
pp. 4583-4596 [View PDF (186 kB)]
Calculation of ground-state entropies of highly frustrated systems on fractal lattices
Fernando D. Nobre and Evaldo M. F. Curado
pp. 4597-4605 [View PDF (199 kB)]
Nonmonotonic behavior of mobility in a multidimensional overdamped periodic system
Jing-Dong Bao
pp. 4606-4610 [View PDF (94 kB)]
Gauge cell method for simulation studies of phase transitions in confined systems
Alexander V. Neimark and Aleksey Vishnyakov
pp. 4611-4622 [View PDF (148 kB)]
Stochastic resonance driven by time-modulated correlated white noise sources
Claudio J. Tessone, Horacio S. Wio, and Peter Hänggi
pp. 4623-4632 [View PDF (357 kB)]
Systems with superabsorbing states
Pablo I. Hurtado and Miguel A. Muñoz
pp. 4633-4641 [View PDF (353 kB)]
Multispecies reaction-diffusion systems
A. Aghamohammadi, A. H. Fatollahi, M. Khorrami, and A. Shariati
pp. 4642-4649 [View PDF (95 kB)]
Ground-state entropy of the Potts antiferromagnet with next-nearest-neighbor spin-spin couplings on strips of the square lattice
Shu-Chiuan Chang and Robert Shrock
pp. 4650-4664 [View PDF (203 kB)]
Entropy and Wigner functions
G. Manfredi and M. R. Feix
pp. 4665-4674 [View PDF (121 kB)]
Phase transitions and noise cross-correlations in a model of directed polymers in a disordered medium
Abhik Basu
pp. 4675-4681 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Twist localizes three-dimensional patterns
A. G. Rossberg
pp. 4682-4687 [View PDF (80 kB)]
Effect of external force on the kinetics of diffusion-controlled escaping from a one-dimensional potential well
A. I. Shushin
pp. 4688-4697 [View PDF (137 kB)]
Polarizability fluctuations in dielectric materials with quenched disorder
Z. G. Yu, Xueyu Song, and David Chandler
pp. 4698-4701 [View PDF (64 kB)]
Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki approximation for nonconserved coarsening under shear
Andrea Cavagna, Alan J. Bray, and Rui D. M. Travasso
pp. 4702-4719 [View PDF (242 kB)]
Derivation of a two-generator framework of nonequilibrium thermodynamics for quantum systems
Hans Christian Öttinger
pp. 4720-4724 [View PDF (54 kB)]
Exact solution of return hysteresis loops in a one-dimensional random-field Ising model at zero temperature
Prabodh Shukla
pp. 4725-4729 [View PDF (58 kB)]
Relaxation processes in administered-rate pricing
Raymond J. Hawkins and Michael R. Arnold
pp. 4730-4736 [View PDF (87 kB)]
Phase diagram of congested traffic flow: An empirical study
H. Y. Lee, H.-W. Lee, and D. Kim
pp. 4737-4741 [View PDF (133 kB)]
Scaling behavior in explosive fragmentation
A. Diehl, H. A. Carmona, L. E. Araripe, J. S. Andrade, Jr., and G. A. Farias
pp. 4742-4746 [View PDF (85 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Bulk dynamics for interfacial growth models
Cristóbal López, Pedro L. Garrido, and Francisco de los Santos
pp. 4747-4751 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Dynamic scaling in one-dimensional cluster-cluster aggregation
E. K. O. Hellén, T. P. Simula, and M. J. Alava
pp. 4752-4756 [View PDF (184 kB)]
Microscopic expressions for the thermodynamic temperature
Owen G. Jepps, Gary Ayton, and Denis J. Evans
pp. 4757-4763 [View PDF (94 kB)]
Configurational temperature for systems with constraints
L. Lue and D. J. Evans
pp. 4764-4768 [View PDF (67 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Relaxation to the invariant density for the kicked rotor
Maxim Khodas, Shmuel Fishman, and Oded Agam
pp. 4769-4783 [View PDF (188 kB)]
Scattering map for two black holes
Alessandro P. S. de Moura and Patricio S. Letelier
pp. 4784-4791 [View PDF (111 kB)]
High-order level-spacing distributions for mixed systems
A. Y. Abul-Magd and M. H. Simbel
pp. 4792-4798 [View PDF (92 kB)]
Complex dynamics of a spiral tip in the presence of an extrinsic local modulation
Seong-min Hwang, Won Gyu Choe, and Kyoung J. Lee
pp. 4799-4803 [View PDF (183 kB)]
Relation between stable orbits and quantum transmission resonance in ballistic cavities
Y. Takagaki and K. H. Ploog
pp. 4804-4808 [View PDF (242 kB)]
Coherence measure in Hamiltonian systems with many degrees of freedom
Maira D’Alessandro, Andrea D’Aquino, and Alexander Tenenbaum
pp. 4809-4825 [View PDF (221 kB)]
Linear and nonlinear measures predict swimming in the leech
C. J. Cellucci, P. D. Brodfuehrer, R. Acera-Pozzi, H. Dobrovolny, E. Engler, J. Los, R. Thompson, and A. M. Albano
pp. 4826-4834 [View PDF (306 kB)]
Integrated chaotic communication scheme
Murilo S. Baptista, Elbert E. Macau, Celso Grebogi, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Epaminondas Rosa, Jr.
pp. 4835-4845 [View PDF (163 kB)]
Straight-line stabilization
Jian-min Mao, Liu Zengrong, and Yang Ling
pp. 4846-4849 [View PDF (69 kB)]
Lyapunov spectra of Hamiltonian systems using reduced tangent dynamics
K. Ramasubramanian and M. S. Sriram
pp. 4850-4855 [View PDF (74 kB)]
Estimating the escape zone for a parametrically excited pendulum-type equation
I. W. Stewart and T. R. Faulkner
pp. 4856-4861 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Chapman-Enskog method and synchronization of globally coupled oscillators
L. L. Bonilla
pp. 4862-4868 [View PDF (93 kB)]
Bursts in the chaotic trajectory lifetimes preceding controlled periodic motion
V. Paar and H. Buljan
pp. 4869-4872 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Influence of diffraction on the spectrum and wave functions of an open system
J. S. Hersch, M. R. Haggerty, and E. J. Heller
pp. 4873-4888 [View PDF (1,026 kB)]
Nonlinear interaction of homogeneously oscillating domains in a planar gas discharge system
C. Strümpel, Yu. A. Astrov, and H.-G. Purwins
pp. 4889-4897 [View PDF (427 kB)]
Quantification of depth of anesthesia by nonlinear time series analysis of brain electrical activity
G. Widman, T. Schreiber, B. Rehberg, A. Hoeft, and C. E. Elger
pp. 4898-4903 [View PDF (91 kB)]

Classical fluids

Anomalous scaling in the anisotropic sectors of the Kraichnan model of passive scalar advection
Itai Arad, Victor S. L’vov, Evgenii Podivilov, and Itamar Procaccia
pp. 4904-4919 [View PDF (224 kB)]
Equilibrium and nonequilibrium fluctuations at the interface between two fluid phases
Pietro Cicuta, Alberto Vailati, and Marzio Giglio
pp. 4920-4926 [View PDF (88 kB)]
Pattern formation in Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a cylindrical container
Sten Rüdiger and Fred Feudel
pp. 4927-4931 [View PDF (439 kB)]
Nucleation burst in a coagulating system
A. A. Lushnikov and M. Kulmala
pp. 4932-4939 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Raman spectroscopy of hypersonic shock waves
A. Ramos, B. Maté, G. Tejeda, J. M. Fernández, and S. Montero
pp. 4940-4945 [View PDF (106 kB)]
Periodically kicked turbulence
Detlef Lohse
pp. 4946-4949 [View PDF (58 kB)]
Interaction of a vortex ring with the free surface of an ideal fluid
V. P. Ruban
pp. 4950-4958 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Localized finite-amplitude disturbances and selection of solitary waves
I. L. Kliakhandler, A. V. Porubov, and M. G. Velarde
pp. 4959-4962 [View PDF (77 kB)]
Heat capacity behavior in the critical region of the ionic binary mixture ethylammonium nitrate–n-octanol
T. Heimburg, S. Z. Mirzaev, and U. Kaatze
pp. 4963-4967 [View PDF (72 kB)]
Liquid drops and surface tension with smoothed particle applied mechanics
S. Nugent and H. A. Posch
pp. 4968-4975 [View PDF (160 kB)]
Fluid structure from density-functional theory
Matthias Schmidt
pp. 4976-4981 [View PDF (111 kB)]
Theory of the lattice Boltzmann method: Lattice Boltzmann models for nonideal gases
Li-Shi Luo
pp. 4982-4996 [View PDF (167 kB)]
Particle dispersion in synthetic turbulent flows
R. Reigada, A. C. Martí, I. M. Sokolov, F. Sagués, and J. M. Sancho
pp. 4997-5005 [View PDF (136 kB)]
Fluid of penetrable spheres: Testing the universality of the bridge functional
Yaakov Rosenfeld, Matthias Schmidt, Martin Watzlawek, and Hartmut Löwen
pp. 5006-5010 [View PDF (63 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Phase equilibria in an athermal solution of platelike particles
Dagmara Sokolowska and Jozef K. Moscicki
pp. 5011-5026 [View PDF (303 kB)]
Infrared spectroscopic study of molecular hydrogen bonding in chiral smectic liquid crystals
Won Gun Jang, Cheol S. Park, K. H. Kim, Matthew A. Glaser, and Noel A. Clark
pp. 5027-5035 [View PDF (1,246 kB)]
Nonlinear dynamics optically induced in nematic liquid crystals
G. Russo, V. Carbone, and G. Cipparrone
pp. 5036-5042 [View PDF (533 kB)]
Stability of equilibrium states for ferroelectric smectic-C* liquid crystals in finite and infinite samples
D. A. Anderson and I. W. Stewart
pp. 5043-5055 [View PDF (158 kB)]
Bend elasticity of mixtures of V-shaped molecules in ordinary nematogens
Mohammad Reza Dodge, Charles Rosenblatt, Rolfe G. Petschek, Mary E. Neubert, and Margaret E. Walsh
pp. 5056-5063 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Shear-induced melting of smectic-A liquid crystals
N. J. Mottram, T. J. Sluckin, S. J. Elston, and M. J. Towler
pp. 5064-5080 [View PDF (352 kB)]
Topological defects in nematic droplets of hard spherocylinders
Joachim Dzubiella, Matthias Schmidt, and Hartmut Löwen
pp. 5081-5091 [View PDF (735 kB)]
Zigzag structures and domain walls in electroconvection of nematic liquid crystal
H. Zhao and L. Kramer
pp. 5092-5100 [View PDF (233 kB)]
Elasticity of rubber with smectic microstructure
M. J. Osborne and E. M. Terentjev
pp. 5101-5114 [View PDF (486 kB)]
Chiral hedgehog textures in two-dimensional XY-like ordered domains
Kok-Kiong Loh, Isabelle Kraus, and Robert B. Meyer
pp. 5115-5118 [View PDF (205 kB)]
Soft and nonsoft structural transitions in disordered nematic networks
Nariya Uchida
pp. 5119-5136 [View PDF (905 kB)]
Realignment of a smectic-A phase with applied electric field
Alison Findon, Helen Gleeson, and John Lydon
pp. 5137-5142 [View PDF (437 kB)]
Coupling between tilt and polar orders in liquid crystal phases formed from achiral bent shaped molecules
Pierre Tolédano, Odair G. Martins, and Antonio M. Figueiredo Neto
pp. 5143-5153 [View PDF (181 kB)]
Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy of molecule/binding site reorientation during ferroelectric liquid crystal electro-optic switching
Won Gun Jang, Cheol S. Park, and Noel A. Clark
pp. 5154-5159 [View PDF (411 kB)]
Nonlinear optical studies of liquid crystal alignment on a rubbed polyvinyl alcohol surface
Xing Wei, Seok-Cheol Hong, Xiaowei Zhuang, Tomohisa Goto, and Y. R. Shen
pp. 5160-5172 [View PDF (445 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Ideal glass transitions for hard ellipsoids
M. Letz, R. Schilling, and A. Latz
pp. 5173-5178 [View PDF (385 kB)]
Axial and angular correlations between colloidal particles in narrow cylindrical pores
M. Chávez-Páez, M. Medina-Noyola, and M. Valdez-Covarrubias
pp. 5179-5186 [View PDF (893 kB)]
Quantifying glass transition behavior in ultrathin free-standing polymer films
J. Mattsson, J. A. Forrest, and L. Börjesson
pp. 5187-5200 [View PDF (202 kB)]
Casimir effect in critical films of binary liquid mixtures
Ashis Mukhopadhyay and Bruce M. Law
pp. 5201-5215 [View PDF (353 kB)]
Pore network as a model of porous media: Comparison between nonhierarchical and hierarchical organizations of pores
Radim Vočka and Marc A. Dubois
pp. 5216-5224 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Phase behavior of model mixtures of colloidal disks and polymers
Martin A. Bates and Daan Frenkel
pp. 5225-5229 [View PDF (72 kB)]
Herringbone ordering and lattice distortions in a planar-molecule model for Langmuir monolayers
C. Buzano, A. Pelizzola, and M. Pretti
pp. 5230-5241 [View PDF (168 kB)]
Casimir dispersion forces and orientational pairwise additivity
Ramin Golestanian
pp. 5242-5247 [View PDF (73 kB)]
Scalar model of inhomogeneous elastic and granular media
M. L. Nguyen and S. N. Coppersmith
pp. 5248-5262 [View PDF (1,753 kB)]
Long-range attraction between colloidal spheres at the air-water interface: The consequence of an irregular meniscus
Dimitris Stamou, Claus Duschl, and Diethelm Johannsmann
pp. 5263-5272 [View PDF (511 kB)]
Interaction between oppositely charged micelles or globular proteins
J. Z. Wu, D. Bratko, H. W. Blanch, and J. M. Prausnitz
pp. 5273-5280 [View PDF (164 kB)]
Symmetric polymer blend confined into a film with antisymmetric surfaces: Interplay between wetting behavior and the phase diagram
M. Müller, E. V. Albano, and K. Binder
pp. 5281-5295 [View PDF (850 kB)]
Hydration interactions: Aqueous solvent effects in electric double layers
Yoram Burak and David Andelman
pp. 5296-5312 [View PDF (284 kB)]
Controlling anomalous stresses in soft field-responsive systems
D. Reguera, J. M. Rubí, and A. Pérez-Madrid
pp. 5313-5317 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Polymer confinement in undulated membrane boxes and tubes
Tomonari Dotera and Yasuo Y. Suzuki
pp. 5318-5323 [View PDF (73 kB)]
Wetting-induced effective interaction potential between spherical particles
C. Bauer, T. Bieker, and S. Dietrich
pp. 5324-5338 [View PDF (243 kB)]
Boundary conditions and normal state for a vibrated granular fluid
J. Javier Brey, M. J. Ruiz-Montero, and F. Moreno
pp. 5339-5346 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Theoretical results for sandpile models of self-organized criticality with multiple topplings
Maya Paczuski and Kevin E. Bassler
pp. 5347-5352 [View PDF (75 kB)]
Model for water transport into powdered xanthan combining gel swelling and vapor diffusion
U. Goerke, A. H. L. Chamberlain, E. A. Crilly, and P. J. McDonald
pp. 5353-5359 [View PDF (211 kB)]
Depletion potential in hard-sphere mixtures: Theory and applications
R. Roth, R. Evans, and S. Dietrich
pp. 5360-5377 [View PDF (238 kB)]
Time scales for structural formation in an electrorheological suspension probed by optical and electrical responses
Katsufumi Tanaka, Kenji Nakamura, and Ryuichi Akiyama
pp. 5378-5382 [View PDF (77 kB)]
Long-time tails in the solid-body motion of a sphere immersed in a suspension
B. Cichocki and B. U. Felderhof
pp. 5383-5388 [View PDF (74 kB)]
Brownian motion in a single relaxation time Maxwell fluid
John H. van Zanten and Karl P. Rufener
pp. 5389-5396 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Phase behavior of a mixture of platelike colloids and nonadsorbing polymer
F. M. van der Kooij, M. Vogel, and H. N. W. Lekkerkerker
pp. 5397-5402 [View PDF (392 kB)]
Structure and scattering in colloidal ferrofluids
Philip J. Camp and G. N. Patey
pp. 5403-5408 [View PDF (108 kB)]
Size, flexibility, and scattering functions of semiflexible polyelectrolytes with excluded volume effects: Monte Carlo simulations and neutron scattering experiments
Luigi Cannavacciuolo, Cornelia Sommer, Jan Skov Pedersen, and Peter Schurtenberger
pp. 5409-5419 [View PDF (156 kB)]
Two-dimensional granular flow in a vibrated small-angle funnel
K. Lindemann and P. Dimon
pp. 5420-5431 [View PDF (368 kB)]
Stokesian dynamics study of quasi-two-dimensional suspensions confined between two parallel walls
Raphaël Pesché and Gerhard Nägele
pp. 5432-5443 [View PDF (173 kB)]

Biological physics

Dynamics of learning with restricted training sets
A. C. C. Coolen and D. Saad
pp. 5444-5487 [View PDF (682 kB)]
Statistical mechanics of semiflexible ribbon polymers
Ramin Golestanian and Tanniemola B. Liverpool
pp. 5488-5499 [View PDF (624 kB)]
Electronic structure of trypsin inhibitor from squash seeds in aqueous solution
Haoping Zheng
pp. 5500-5508 [View PDF (73 kB)]
Viscoelastic properties of semiflexible filamentous bacteriophage fd
Frank G. Schmidt, Bernhard Hinner, Erich Sackmann, and Jay X. Tang
pp. 5509-5517 [View PDF (290 kB)]
Symbolic dynamics of event-related brain potentials
Peter beim Graben, J. Douglas Saddy, Matthias Schlesewsky, and Jürgen Kurths
pp. 5518-5541 [View PDF (700 kB)]
Effective interaction between helical biomolecules
E. Allahyarov and H. Löwen
pp. 5542-5556 [View PDF (918 kB)]
Temporal correlations versus noise in the correlation matrix formalism: An example of the brain auditory response
J. Kwapień, S. Drożdż, and A. A. Ioannides
pp. 5557-5564 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Synchronization, diversity, and topology of networks of integrate and fire oscillators
X. Guardiola, A. Díaz-Guilera, M. Llas, and C. J. Pérez
pp. 5565-5570 [View PDF (80 kB)]

Plasma physics

Self-organized waves in annular rf weakly magnetized dusty plasmas
Jeng-Mei Liu and Lin I
pp. 5571-5575 [View PDF (445 kB)]
Modeling of low-pressure barium–rare-gas discharges
G. G. Lister, J. J. Curry, and J. E. Lawler
pp. 5576-5583 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Full Coulomb calculation of Stark broadened spectra from multielectron ions: A focus on the dense plasma line shift
G. C. Junkel, M. A. Gunderson, C. F. Hooper, Jr., and D. A. Haynes, Jr.
pp. 5584-5593 [View PDF (148 kB)]
Conservation of circulation in magnetohydrodynamics
Jacob D. Bekenstein and Asaf Oron
pp. 5594-5602 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Ionization waves in electron-beam-assisted, shielded capillary discharge
I. Rutkevich, M. Mond, Y. Kaufman, P. Choi, and M. Favre
pp. 5603-5617 [View PDF (185 kB)]
Hot-electron generation in copper and photopumping of cobalt
G. Pretzler, Th. Schlegel, E. Fill, and D. Eder
pp. 5618-5623 [View PDF (106 kB)]
Double layer effects in laser-ablation plasma plumes
Nadezhda M. Bulgakova, Alexander V. Bulgakov, and Oleg F. Bobrenok
pp. 5624-5635 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Dicluster stopping in a degenerate electron gas
Hrachya B. Nersisyan and Amal K. Das
pp. 5636-5647 [View PDF (229 kB)]
Long-wavelength limit of the dynamical local-field factor and dynamical conductivity of a two-component plasma
H. Reinholz, R. Redmer, G. Röpke, and A. Wierling
pp. 5648-5666 [View PDF (260 kB)]
Self-organized oscillations of strongly coupled dust Coulomb clusters in plasma traps
Yuh-Chyi Wang, Wen-Tau Juan, and Lin I
pp. 5667-5671 [View PDF (850 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Vector kp approach for photonic band structures
J. E. Sipe
pp. 5672-5677 [View PDF (94 kB)]
Radiation of solitons described by a high-order cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
V. I. Karpman
pp. 5678-5687 [View PDF (146 kB)]
Normal-mode theory for cylinder arrays
R. Rojas, F. Claro, and C. R. Proetto
pp. 5688-5694 [View PDF (88 kB)]
Resonances in the dynamics of φ4 kinks perturbed by ac forces
Niurka R. Quintero, Angel Sánchez, and Franz G. Mertens
pp. 5695-5705 [View PDF (213 kB)]
Collective proton transport with weak proton-proton coupling
A. V. Zolotaryuk, M. Peyrard, and K. H. Spatschek
pp. 5706-5710 [View PDF (74 kB)]
Effects of geometric and refractive index disorder on wave propagation in two-dimensional photonic crystals
A. A. Asatryan, P. A. Robinson, L. C. Botten, R. C. McPhedran, N. A. Nicorovici, and C. Martijn de Sterke
pp. 5711-5720 [View PDF (153 kB)]
Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the Hopfield model in its spin-glass phase
Marcelo A. Montemurro, Francisco A. Tamarit, Daniel A. Stariolo, and Sergio A. Cannas
pp. 5721-5728 [View PDF (153 kB)]
Few-optical-cycle Bessel-Gauss pulsed beams in free space
M. A. Porras, R. Borghi, and M. Santarsiero
pp. 5729-5737 [View PDF (302 kB)]
Dromion interactions of (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equations
Hang-yu Ruan and Yi-xin Chen
pp. 5738-5744 [View PDF (358 kB)]
Light propagation through birefringent, nonlinear media with deep gratings
Suresh Pereira and J. E. Sipe
pp. 5745-5757 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Time-domain detection of superluminal group velocity for single microwave pulses
Mohammad Mojahedi, Edl Schamiloglu, Frank Hegeler, and Kevin J. Malloy
pp. 5758-5766 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Oscillations of a highly discrete breather with a critical regime
E. Coquet, M. Remoissenet, and P. Tchofo Dinda
pp. 5767-5776 [View PDF (170 kB)]
Long-range interaction and nonlinear localized modes in photonic crystal waveguides
Serge F. Mingaleev, Yuri S. Kivshar, and Rowland A. Sammut
pp. 5777-5782 [View PDF (588 kB)]
Mean field theory of spherical gravitating systems
Peter J. Klinko and Bruce N. Miller
pp. 5783-5792 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Collapse in a forced three-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation
P. M. Lushnikov and M. Saffman
pp. 5793-5796 [View PDF (67 kB)]
Accurate and efficient computation of the Green’s tensor for stratified media
Michael Paulus, Phillipe Gay-Balmaz, and Olivier J. F. Martin
pp. 5797-5807 [View PDF (224 kB)]

Computational physics

Iterative algorithm versus analytic solutions of the parametrically driven dissipative quantum harmonic oscillator
Michael Thorwart, Peter Reimann, and Peter Hänggi
pp. 5808-5817 [View PDF (174 kB)]
Artificial neural network algorithm for analysis of Rutherford backscattering data
N. P. Barradas and A. Vieira
pp. 5818-5829 [View PDF (207 kB)]
Cluster algorithm for Potts models with fixed spin densities
R. P. Bikker and G. T. Barkema
pp. 5830-5834 [View PDF (109 kB)]


Classical fluids

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

How high can the temperature of a liquid be raised without boiling?
Mala Das, B. K. Chatterjee, B. Roy, and S. C. Roy
pp. 5843-5846 [View PDF (43 kB)]
Wetting-induced anisotropic structure at the interface of a glass and a sponge phase
M. Magalhães, A. M. Figueiredo Neto, and P. Tolédano
pp. 5847-5850 [View PDF (145 kB)]

Plasma physics

Structure stability of ultraintense laser pulse in transverse homogeneous cold plasma
Hai. Lin
pp. 5851-5854 [View PDF (59 kB)]
Achieving pure electric confinement of high-charge-state plasmas
D. D. Dolliver and C. A. Ordonez
pp. 5855-5857 [View PDF (315 kB)]
Hybrid model for the spectral density of the time development of the excitation energy of Langmuir waves in unmagnetized plasmas
Ahmed M. Al-khateeb
pp. 5858-5861 [View PDF (59 kB)]


Erratum: Constrained systems and statistical distribution [Phys. Rev. E 61, 6165 (2000)]
Simone Melchionna
pp. 5864 [View PDF (18 kB)]